Fiona's Durrus Celtic Canapés
Our former colleague and friend Fiona created these Celtic Canapes featuring Durrus in honour of St Patrick's Day. They're the perfect bite to start an evening of celebration with.
INGREDIENTS (to make 24 mini canapes or 12 larger ones)
500g Potatoes
50g Butter
Bunch of Spring Onions, chopped
1/4 Durrus
These little snacks started life as a smashed potatoes recipe but I was too enthusiastic in my ‘smashing’ that I had to changed direction. Isn’t that the joy of cooking?
I placed whole potatoes (approx. 500g) with the skin on in heavily salted cold water, brought them to the boil and then let them simmer for approx. 20 mins. Once the tip of a knife could go through the potatoes, they were drained and left to dry for a bit.
After I inadvertently made rustic mash, I added 50g of melted butter (olive oil is good too), chopped spring onions, salt & pepper and then moulded my potatoes into my little muffin tray.
I made an indent in each canape and added a generous piece of Durrus (including the rind) to it. Next, I cooked them at 180c for 15-20 mins. The blushed cheese rind should be bubbling and the potato skins crispy as you take them out.
These are delicious as is, but I always like to add just one more thing! I sprinkled crushed hazelnuts, nigella seeds and baby watercress when I was ready to serve. Please use what you might like. Perhaps some figs, chopped dates, honey, pickled red onion or shards of cooked bacon could top your creations.
The choice is endless when you end up creating a ‘non recipe’ recipe!